OAuth2 Client to connect to OroPlatform based applications
This Symfony 4.x Bundle allows you to authenticate and connect to OroPlatform based applications API via the OAUth2 protocol.
This bundle extends the `league/oauth2-client` dependency and will be automatically installed. Fur further informations about the dependency, visit the url [https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-client](https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-client)
– OroPlatform 4.x with OAuth Server active on OroPlatform side – See [API Feature activation](https://doc.oroinc.com/api/enabling-api-feature/) and [OAuth Authentification on OroPlatform](https://doc.oroinc.com/api/authentication/oauth/)
– Symfony 4.x (maybe Symfony 5 as well but not yet tested)
Compatible with most of OroPlatform based applications like:
– Marello
– OroCRM
– OroCommerce
Via composer:
composer require diglin/oauth2-oro-provider:^1.0
Configure the bundle by adding the following lines and correct values onto a config YAML file like `config/packages/_sylius.yml` on Sylius application.
# Default configuration for extension with alias: “diglin_oauth2_oro”
# Url of the Oro Application, without trailing slash
url: ~ # Required
# Client ID: see documentation to get the value
client_id: ~ # Required
# Client secret: see documentation to get the value
client_secret: ~ # Required
# Username: required if grant_type = password
username: null
# Password: required if grant_type = password
password: null
# grant_type possible values: client_credentials or password
grant_type: client_credentials # Required
Create an other file at the path `config/packages/diglin_oauth2_oro.yaml` (you can set also this file at environment level, like inot the prod or dev folder.) with the following content:
url: “http://my.orocrm.domain”
client_id: ‘<CLIENT_ID_HERE>’
client_secret: ‘<CLIENT_SECRET_HERE>’
username: ~ # value only if grant_type = password
password: ~ # value only if grant_type = password
grant_type: “client_credentials” # client_credentials or password
– `url`: should looks like `http://my-domain.com`
– `client_id` and `client_secret`: you can get the value from OroPlatform – see [https://doc.oroinc.com/user/back-office/system/user-management/oauth-app/#oauth-applications](https://doc.oroinc.com/user/back-office/system/user-management/oauth-app/#oauth-applications)
– `grant_type`: can be `password` or `client_credentials`
As stated in Oro Documentation:
The Client Credentials type is used for machine-to-machine authentication (e.g., in a cron job that performs maintenance tasks over an API) and Password is used by trusted first-party clients to exchange the credentials (username and password) for an access token.
Create an Endpoint implementing the `\Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\Endpoints\EndpointInterface` interface. Your class can looks like this:
namespace Acme\Oro;
use Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\ClientOAuthInterface;
class MyEndpoint implements \Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\Endpoints\EndpointInterface
const ENPOINT_CUSTOMER = ‘/api/users’;
const TYPE = ‘users’;
* @var ClientOAuthInterface
private $client;
public function __construct(ClientOAuthInterface $client)
$this->client = $client;
public function get()
$myJsonData = \json_encode([
‘data’ => [
‘type’ => self::TYPE,
‘attributes’ => [
‘my_attribute’ => ‘my value’
return $this->client->request(ClientOAuthInterface::REQUEST_GET, $this->getEndpoint(), [‘body’ => $myJsonData]);
public function getEndpoint(): string
return self::ENPOINT_CUSTOMER;
Then in your code you can do the following (be aware, the code below should be adapted of course)
$settings = $container->get(‘diglin_oro.api.client_settings’);
$factory = new \Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\ClientOAuthFactory(\Diglin\OAuth2OroBundle\Api\ClientOAuth::class, $settings);
$client = $factory->create();
$endpoint = new \Acme\Oro\MyEndpoint($client);
$users = $endpoint->get();
To get the list of available endpoints on your Oro Application, you can request the url `http://myoroapp.com/api/doc` (if you use OroCommerce, there is a difference between frontend and backend, in this case the admin url for backend API may looks like this `http://myoroapp.com/admin/api/doc`)
- Diglin GmbH
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